Metasploit Exploitation — Scanning | TryHackMe
In this box, we are going to use Metasploit modules to scan for open ports on the target system as well as crack password for a user named Penny.
It is worth noting that in this room, you can use either Nmap and Metasploit to answer the first 3 questions. So lets get straight to it.
Question. How many ports are open on the target system?
Using nmap
Lets try to enumerate for open ports using nmap, i will try take you through the process step by step.
root@ nmap ip_address
We have 5 open ports.
Using Metasploit
Lets try enumerate for open ports using Metasploit step bystep.
- Connect terminal to metasploit using >msfconsole
- List the potential ports with >search portscan
3. proceed to use option 5 >use 5
4. it is good practice to show options
in this case, lets use RHOST.
4. set RHOST to your machine ip >set RHOST machine_ip and proceed to >run
Bingo, we have 5 open ports as highlighted in green
Ans: 5 ports
Question. Using the relevant scanner, what NetBIOS name can you see?
using nmap
we can use the nmap command to search for the netbios name
nmap -sV -sC machine_ip
There we have it. ACME IT SUPPORT
using metasploit
Lets begin by searching for netbios by simply
m6> search netbios
option 2 looks viable. We could use it then proceed to show options.
Lets set the RHOST and run it then wait for the netbios request.
There you have it.
Question. What is running on port 8000?
Using Nmap
nmap -sV -p 8000 machine_ip
We have the version now.
Ans: WebFS 1.21
Using Metasploit
TCP port 8000 is usually used in the web development. so, we need to search for http_version for this.
m6> search http_version
use 0 and then show options
Now lets set the RHOST and later on set the RPORT from 80 to 8000. ’80 was the default port from the show options result’ and run the command.
Ans: webfs/1.21
Question. What is the “penny” user’s SMB password? Use the wordlist mentioned in the previous task.
This challenge is exiting. Here we are required to bruteforce penny’s password.
From the hint, we can see to use Use the smb_login module.
so lets begin by searching for smb_login.
a search of the smb_login is shown above. Proceed to use option 0 and show options to set the necessary parameters
Set the RHOST first and proceed to set the SMB_User = penny
set the PASS_File to /usr/share/wordlists/MetasploitRoom/MetasploitWorldlist.txt
and run it.
There you have it.
penny’s password is leo1234
Ans: Leo1234
Thank you for reading. I hope you learned as much as I. Metasploit is a very powerful tool and it makes our lives a lot easier